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There are non-mechanical and non-electronic means of epilation that can be the best way to remove hair. Some of us don’t like the effects of laser hair removal, others don’t like any hair removal machine applied to their skin. Electrolysis or other hair removal treatments scare some people and professional hair removal costs put off others. Modern cosmetic and personal product chemistry has come a long way since grandma’s lye soap was used to wash out the mouths of misbehaving children! There’s many choices in this area of hair removal.

Foams, Creams & Lotions
Shaving is by far the most common method of hair removal for both men and women. Men have been shaving their beards and mustaches for thousands of years, but cosmetic hair removal in women was relatively uncommon until after World War I. Now, many American women routinely shave their legs and underarms. In addition to a sharp razor, a good shaving cream that lubricates and soothes the skin is a necessity. A good shave cream or gel should contain a moisturizing formula with emollients and antiseptic ingredients, such as Peppermint or Aloe Vera and Goldenseal. Many are herbal and vitamin-enriched.

Depilatories act like a chemical razor blade and are available in gel, cream, lotion, aerosol, and roll-on forms. They usually contain a highly alkaline chemical -- usually calcium thioglycolate--that dissolves the protein structure of the hair, causing it to separate easily from the skin surface. Be sure you read product guidelines on the label and choose a formulation that’s correct for your intended use, as skin sensitivity varies on different parts of the body. Sometimes a hair removal creme is intended for use only on the legs, for example, while others may be rated safe for your more sensitive areas, such as the bikini line, underarms and face. A good rule is: Before you use the product, test a little on small patch of skin to see how the chemicals react to your skin. Use a timer as suggested and remember: read the instructions twice; it’s very easy to miss an important piece of information.

Hair Growth Inhibitors have been around since the snake-oil pitchmen sold quack medicine from the back of a wagon. There are only a few that have had any clinical trial; one that is available by prescription is Aldactone, used to combat the clinically excessive hair growth called hirsutism. In any case, you should consult your physician for accurate information before applying any product that’s claimed to inhibit hair growth. Herbal hair growth inhibitors sold over the counter and online have not been proven to work in published clinical studies.

The Cooling Balm
After any hair removal procedure, whether bikini laser hair removal, electrolysis, hair removal waxing, or rotary epilation, you should use a soothing and healing cream or lotion. Some help with bumps or ingrown hairs, others specifically have cooling and protective agents. It’s important that the post-hair removal product you select have an antiseptic element and contains no alcohol or any other chemical that will irritate the newly-depilated skin. Many use natural herbs or plant extracts, such as aloe vera or teatree oil to help heal the skin. A dermatologist or an experiences aesthetician can also offer guidance with this product choice.

Getting expert assistance with the details of choosing your hair removal product is one way to avoid the medical consequences of damaged skin or pain and suffering from applying the incorrect hair removal lotion.

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